Fuyansheng has improved CE and UL certification and joined hands with lithium battery equipment to move towards the international market!

2024-04-07 09:11   827

Fuyansheng has improved CE and UL certification and joined hands with lithium battery 

equipment to move towards the international market!

China's lithium battery industry is booming and can be called the world's manufacturing power!

Following the global economic trend, China's lithium batteries have set sail and unswervingly headed towards overseas markets! Although there are many challenges (such as various product certification problems), we have never hesitated and faced it bravely.


Lithium battery

Certified Product

Our cutting-edge products - IO-Link technology, industrial Ethernet modules, connectors and wiring harnesses, have joined hands with many lithium battery equipment and have taken the step towards the international market. With the spirit of continuous innovation and breakthrough, no matter how big the test we face, We all have no fear and dare to show our swords boldly!


As the wave of globalization hits, we respond quickly and improve the communication protocols required by the market. All related products have successfully passed the stringent CE certification, and some products have even received UL certification in advance.


CE Certification and  UL Certification

We are proud and confident of the new steps taken by national brands towards internationalization, and are full of expectations to create new possibilities!

We actively seek global cooperation and are fortunate to have established strategic partnerships with many well-known agents. Together we build a bridge between technology and storage and provide you with the best service wholeheartedly.

Seize the opportunity and make every effort to promote the arrival of the Industry 4.0 era. Let us embark on a new journey to achieve the future together!